Assignment #3 Due 12/10 ON Blackboard

Assignment #3 Due 12/10 ON Blackboard


Part Zero:
READ DIRECTIONS!!!!Instructions: This assignment has various parts, be sure to complete all parts.

Part One: 
READ the following:

Part Two:
In a 3-4 page/ 900 word essay (USING THE CONTENT FROM THE CLASS) answer the following question: WHERE DID WE COME FROM?

Note: The question is intentionally vague to allow you (the student) to digest/ reflect/ and interpret the contents we have covered in the class (book/videos ect).  There are many ways this question can be taken... focus on answering the question with the content you have found most interesting.

- 12 Font/ New Times Roman
- Use at least 2-3 citations using whatever standard method of citations you are familiar with MLA/APA... I use AAA. If you really want you can use the American Anthropological Association guidelines HERE
- An average paper will cite the text book, and above average paper will include at least one other academic source (google scholar) (citing History channel/ Mention of aliens= automatic F for this assignment).
-To find academic source use variations of key words related to your topic and enter them HERE.
-You can use Wikipedia to gain a basic understanding but do not cite WIKIPEDIA as it is not considered legit... If you must .... try clicking  and reading the links at end of WIKIPEDIA article to find academic articles.
-Be sure not to plagiarize.  If you are unsure what plagiarism is see HERE
- When you complete writing and enter the last period in your paper, IT IS NOT COMPLETE.  EDIT.  Read the paper out loud to yourself... have someone else read it.

Part Three:
EDIT your paper again... use HWCC resources (Take essay to writing center)

Part Four:
Turn in essay on 12/10
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